Hair care

How take care of hair in winter?

winter hair care

Wintertime is a critical period for our skin and hair as well. We need more food to warm up, we need protective layers of clothes, and we need protective-moisturized layers on our skin and hair, otherwise, it can be nasty.

Human skin is very sensitive, especially the face. Coldness, strong wind, humidity, hot air, are very harmful to the skin. These factors are naturally causing dry skin, breaking, redness, etc… Definitely we need special winter hair care.

girl with a snowball

These factors can be very harmful to your hair as well. During the winter we are more sensitive in general.

Lower temperature causes dehydration. Scarfs, sweaters cause static electricity. Hot air in your heaters makes your hair drier and lifeless.

Your hair has more enemies to fight with. You must help your hair with some good and quality product, to win this battle. It’s the same thing with your skin – You simply have to use a moisturizer. And a protector for lips.

Don’t use too hot water – This is the enemy for your skin and hair, both

Never skip the conditioner – Read the ’facts’ from above. Don’t let your hair suffer.

Comb your hair well, while the conditioner is on. This is a golden rule!

Don’t let your hair dry under the towel. Don’t leave the towel longer than 20 minutes

Use a hair mask regularly – once a week. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Feed your hair

Cover your hair when it is windy or rainy – Wear anything on top!

Protect your hair with a leave-in product. This is a mandatory task

The product for your ends is a big plus. Natural oil or crème provides extra protection and nutrition, keeping your ends from breaking

Cut your hair regularly.

Don’t over proceed your hair. Color your hair, without damaging.

nice girl in a jacket

When you are fully prepared for the winter, there is nothing to worry about. Your hair is not gonna be dry if you nurture it enough.

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