Hair care

How to grow your hair long?

Long hair

If you are reading this article, there are two possible reasons:

You have long hair, and you need some tips about hair care or styling

Or, you don’t have long hair, but you want to grow it as much as possible, and fastest you can.

Nevertheless, it requires time and dedication. Every single hair shaft is important, like every single tree in a wood. Take care of it in a proper way! And enjoy benefits, later.

You are going to find very important and useful information for both cases! We are here to help you. With our advice, we promise you one thing. You are going to have this beautiful, long, silky and shiny hair, for sure.

Let’s start with the basics.

What to do, and what not to do!


Moisturize, hydrate, provide some vitamins at least once a week. Make sure you applied the mask evenly onto your hairlength, from the middle part, all the way until the ends.

You can make some heating effect- with the towel. Leave a mask for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.

Combing! This is very important. Combing is the same thing as a workout for your body! Combing increases the blood circulation in your scalp, making it grows faster.

Besides, you really must comb it, every single time when you wash it. Otherwise, it will be falling out, it’s will be lifeless, dry and without any shine. The comb is a mandatory thing!

Always protect your hair, when you are exposed to the sun. As you are protecting your skin, you have to do the same thing with your ‘beach waves’ . Sun can be very harmful. One leave-in product will be enough.

Of course, you can use the whole line for sun protection including shampoo, mask, conditioner and leave-in products. But, this is not a mandatory thing.

Basically, with one product, you are safe. Read more about sun protection in our other article!

Protect against the heat. Especially because those products are giving more vitamins and nutrients, it’s not only protection against the heat. And for long hair, you can never have too many vitamins. The proper ones.

girl with long hair

The ends are the “oldest” part of your hair. Your ends were young when they were roots. By the time, your hair was growing, and after a couple of years, it became long.

Ends are the driest part, in every single case. And this is the reason. For long hair is very important to have healthy ends. If they are dry, they will break, and your hair will not seem any longer until you solve this problem.

Natural oils and cremes, specially designed for your ends, are the life saviors. Use those things once or twice a week. On your wet or dry hair, or both. But in small quantities. If it was an oil, 2-3 drops are enough and in a case of the cream, the size of a peanut is good.

girl with blonde long hair


If you are coloring, don’t apply the color on the whole length, every time. If your color is fading, you should use “pigment conditioners”. These conditioners deposit pigments in your hair while they are nourishing your hair.

Don’t color your hair too often. No more than once per month.

If you have highlights or balayage, again, don’t over-do it. Bleach is very harmful to your hair, be careful. Double-check if your hairdresser is using protection, but in any case, try to minimize bleaching.

Don’t use heat irons too often. And always use protection against the heat, iron is very hot (up to 230 degrees), and it can break your hair if you are not using it properly. Don’t use the heated iron all by yourself. You can destroy your hair in one minute if you do something wrong. Leave that job to the professionals.

Don’t use too hot water when you wash it. The best is to wash it when a little bit colder water if you can make it. Especially the last rinse –
when you apply the conditioner and rinsing, do it with the coldest
water, that you can take. This is adding extra shine, and it improves

Long hair is absolutely stunning! Be patient and persistent, and you will enjoy your beautiful hair.


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