Hair care

Hairdressers corner

Hairdresser's corner

Hairdressers corner is an article for hairdressers. We gonna share our experience with you guys, and we will share our tips and some main rules, that you have to follow, to be successful. Our dear colleges, we want to share with you some useful information about our beautiful job.

We are artists and our clients are our masterpieces.

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand and target the desires of our clients, our job is actually very demanding. A lot of psychology is involved.
We have over 20 years of experience, our artists are here to give you advice, and to help you reach your goal.

And your one and only goal is – Satisfied and happy client, who will always come back to you.

For complete satisfaction, you have to provide 3 things to your clients

  • Extraordinary service
  • Good environment surrounded with positive energy
  • Maximally clean space.                                                                                          

And this is just the base. Roughly said, you have three things. But this three consists of 20 more little things, you should do at the high professional level, for complete satisfaction.  You should always learn new things. Our job is growing all the time, there are new trends to catch up, the new way of highlighting, coloration, cut and styling.

The best thing is to visit seminars when you have time, this is the way to improve your knowledge with the new technique. Never stop doing this, even if you are working 50 years as a hairdresser. Every day you can learn something new, no matter how many things you know. Our job is limitless.

There are excellent websites with very good, quality videos about every service, from the best hairdressers worldwide. this is great to watch, especially if you don’t have time for seminars. This you can do from your comfortable sofa, three times per week. Believe us, your knowledge is gonna be way better. All hairdressers should be doing this.

You have to listen. Our job is all about listening. Many hairdressers make this mistake and do for their clients what they think is the best. Of course, as hairdressers, we certainly know what type of solution is the best for each type of hair, shape, and color, but the most important thing is an agreement with our client. Maybe your client wants to be blonde, and you do the brunette chocolate nuance, you will end up arguing with your unhappy client.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should blindly track your client’s wishes, but you have to explain, give your opinion, found the middle, but never do something on your own, opposite of your client’s wish. That client will never go back to you.

Never, but really never, please, do not cut your client’s hair more than your client wants. This is the most common hairdresser’s mistake. If the hair is dry and damaged, you have to explain to your client, that it would be better to cut a little bit more, but if the answer is no, then don’t do it. It is never good. A better solution is to offer some of the deep treatments, that will instantly recover the hair fiber from root to top.

The result: Happy client, who will have confidence in you.

This is the most important thing.

The connection between you and your client eases the whole process. Maybe you will convince your client next time to cut a little bit more, to change the color, to do the treatment, etc..

But once when they trust you, don’t you ever betray them.

It is all about the relationship between you and your clients. There is a lot of psychology involved in our job, the hairdressers must have great social skills.

Listen to your clients. Don’t you ever do something mechanically. Ask them questions. Try to understand their wishes in the best way possible. Ask them to repeat, if you are not sure what they exactly want. Listen to them deeply. If you miss this step, no matter what you do after, you will not gonna end up well.

Except, if you have a lucky shot. But don’t go on that road, our job is not about luckiness, it about being truly professional. And every truly professional hairdresser listens. Be that one.

Always use good products. Depending on your prices and philosophy you can choose more or less expensive. Sometimes the price is not the most important, the market is huge, and there are some middle – price products, very quality. Read more for our recommendations.

Always have a good selection of products, covering every hair type needs. Especially with the colors and bleaches. You must have every single color and different types of bleach.

Use the protector for the bleach. This product exists around 10 years more or less, and it is a miracle and a great helper for you.

Hair products in your salon

Remember that every product that you have, serves to help you, to improve your service. There is a big difference between the styling with the proper products and without products.

With them, your styling lasts longer, the hair is shinier, etc.

And your client sees everything. They know everything, they look at you, what you are doing, what are you applying in their hair. Every product is a little plus for them. Collect many pluses and you will have a long-term satisfied client, who comes back to you.

Always be honest, and recommend them treatments, or colors that will be really good for them. Never chase the money. Never try to convince them to do something expensive, but not good for their hair type (example: re-do highlights on fine, over-proceed hair. The hair will start to break, it will be dry and lifeless, and it’s not only that you will lose this client, you gonna lose the friends or relatives of this client. You can lose 20 future clients. Or even more) Be the honest one, listen to your clients, understand them, respect them, use proper hair products, and you will be fully booked, every day. That is the key. For sure.

Clean space and tools, always

Make sure your space is clean. Every day use fresh and clean towels, don’t let dust anywhere to be visible. Every evening your salon must be cleaned from the floor until the mirrors. The last thing you need is dirt, anywhere.

You should make a daily checklist and a weekly checklist. Make a good organization with your hairdressers, every person should have some assignment, and everything will be alright. Always.

Pay special attention to brushes and tools, never use a dirty brush on your client. This is an unforgivable mistake.

Your attitude

Leave your problems behind the door.

Remember that you are a professional. You and your colleges as well. Create one good environment, make positive energy, play some music in your salon, always have a smile.

Every single person has a bad day sometimes, but try to be strong, and don’t let any negativity ruin your business. When you finish your job for that day, go and punch the bag, to the yoga, or whatever makes you feel better. But in your salon, you must be smiling and kind.

We hope that we helped you with those tips. Nevertheless, we wish you great, successful business, with an army of satisfied clients and great energy every day!

 Enjoy being an artist. Thank you, hairdressers, who love your job, all over the world!

That is the most beautiful job!

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