Hair care

Why does my hair get greasy so fast?

How to win over greasy hair?

Let’s change the character of your greasy hair! If you follow the rules, you can train your scalp to be less oily.

Greasiness is a big and evil enemy. Washing your hair often is annoying and takes lots of time. If you spend around 30 minutes on wash and dry every two days, in a period of one year, you spend more than 5000 minutes. For wash and dry only. It is a lot. However, there are many better things to do in your life, way better than this one.

Every pore on your skin has it’s own gland, including your scalp, as well. This gland produces the sebum. Sebum is responsible for the smoothness and shine effect. Therefore, it keeps your hair healthy and moisturized and prevents dryness and breaking. However, if your glands produce more sebum, that leads precisely to greasy hair and skin.

girl with long hair

There are two basics causes for greasy hair and skin, which are internal and external factors.

Internal factors come from the inside of our bodies. Lack of vitamins, poor diet, hormonal disbalance, pregnancy or puberty. External factors ars, season changing, climate, poor hair and skincare, wrong choice of products, too many products, etc.

Also some bad, daily habits, like touching your hair a lot, or using heaters frequently. Heat makes producing more sebum. It is very similar for the hot water as well. Colder water calms down the glands and closes the cuticle.

Let’ s start from the colder water. You can go a little bit colder each time you shampoo your hair. Remember, you don’t need freezing water, warmish is enough. Once you get used to soft water, you will never go back to hot.

Reduce the usage of heaters. Air dry your hair during the summer. Put on some salt spray, for sexy beach waves. This spray gives a matt effect, so it soaks the sebum, literally. You can add more spray on the second day, to make your hair looks fresh and bouncy.

Salt spray is a good friend with the diffuser, as well. Great volume-friendly, “beach look” styling product, that will make your life easier. It gives you what you need. Always. Therefore it is a great replacement for the iron or curling tong.

Stop touching your hair immediately. If you do that, no matter what you try out, you will never stop the “greasy looking hair”.

Eat fruits and vegetables daily. Make sure you provide enough vitamin B, to help combat greasy hair.

Next, space out your washes. Interestingly, greasy hair is a cycle of constantly producing more sebum, provoked by over washing. You need to slow down. I know how it feels, but you must resist washing your hair and prolong it for two days more. It is healthier for the scalp. Meanwhile, you can try out dry shampoo, or matte powder. This is a 5-minute hack and a life savior.

Dry shampoo is designed in an aerosol spray, that dries out and soaks the excess of sebum. It makes your hair super fresh and smells beautiful. Shake it well before the usage, and spray it out from 10-15 cm distance. Divide your hair into three large sections, and spray on each for 2-3 seconds. You can comb, or make some volume with your fingers. The choice is yours. However, it looks great.

The powder is a little bit more matte. It’s better for fine hair or greasier scalp. It soaks the excess of oil like crazy! Apply the small quantity of product directly onto your scalp, and rub it with your fingers. Divide into large sections as well. Style as desired. Great results!

Great smell, great results! Refreshed, re-designed hairstyle in a minute! We love it!

When your hair starts looking greasy, make a ponytail. Don’t tight it a lot, it can harm your hair and scalp. And to provoke a headache as well. One loosed ponytail is perfect.

Lack of volume – What you need is a root spray, with the long-lasting voluminous effect, designed to hold your hair beautifully shaped and resistant to humidity.

beautiful girl smiling

The shampoo is the most important part of your hair care routine. Did you know that you can train your hair to be less greasy?

With all tips from above and the right selection of the shampoo, your glands will produce less sebum. You can leave the magic circle of frequent washing and greasy looking hair.

You need the right products and the best approach. Be strong, persistent, and never give up.

Remember, washing your hair every day is not recommended, dries out your scalp, leading to dandruff or hair loss. The hardest part is to shampoo your hair less frequently, but you can make it, especially with products “helpers” from above.

Good luck and win over greasy hair!

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