Hair care

How to have beautiful hair?

6 common mistakes, that stop your hair being wonderful

Beautiful hair? it’s easier than you thought. Find out your mistakes in a daily hair care routine.

Are you the one who uses a hair mask regularly?

You don’t over-color your hair? You use a bleach wisely, in small quantities? Or, don’t use it at all.

You don’t perm your hair, or do any other aggressive chemical treatment?

And yet, your hair is not in the way it supposed to be. You don’t have an amazing, stunning, wonderful hair. Something is not right. It’s still dry and lifeless, difficult to comb, without shine.

You will find the answer in your daily hair care routine. Could be one simple tiny mistake that affects your hair a lot.

Too hot water. This is a silent killer. Dries your hair a lot, causes the breakage and split ends. Always use lukewarm water or as cold water as possible. Remember, colder is better. The last rinsing should be with the coldest water you can take, for extra shine and elasticity.

Keeping your hair under the towel for too long. An unexpected killer, too. Dries out your hair like a crazy, and takes away all shine. Think about the towel as a thief, who steals the moisture, the luster and the well-being of your hair in general. Don’t let it do that! Dry your hair naturally, or with a blow dryer and thermal protection, leaving your towel on, no longer than 5 minutes.

Not using thermal protection, when your hair is exposed to the heat. This is a very common mistake, and this one is killing your hair, for sure. Besides the thermal protection, these products are nurturing your hair, preventing split ends, adds more shine and elasticity. It is absolutely recommendable to use a leave-in thermal protector! Without this product, your hair is suffering.

Too aggressive combing. Be gentle with your hair. Breaking it with the comb is the worst thing you can do! And if you do it every time when you comb it, it’s a complete disaster. Please, comb your hair properly – From your ends, move slightly to the top, with very gentle moves, don’t be in a hurry and don’t comb your hair ‘nervously’ Never! And if your hair is fine, don’t comb it when it’s wet. Half dried, or completely dry is a way better option for your combing – your hair will break less when is dry. Wet hair is more sensitive – remember that!

Too tight ponytail, or bun. This causes hair thinning, and hair loss, especially around the forehead. We can say, this is the number 1 mistake worldwide, it seems. Almost every woman is doing this. You can end up with a headache as well if you hold your hair too tight. Just don’t do that. It is that simple. Stop it.

Lack of vitamins in your diet. Your hair needs vitamins from the outside and the inside. Balanced nutrition is vital for general well-being. Your hair loves fresh fruits and vegetables. We had a client who was on a protein diet – a very restrictive one, and she was consuming only meat, eggs, and an abysmal selection of vegetables. After two months, she started losing hair, and her nails were fragile, her skin was dry. The whole body was suffering. She needed years to recover her hair, and honestly, never repaired it 100 % Her hair was never the same as it was before that crazy diet.

As we said, some small mistakes that you are continually repeating in your daily hair care routine can be harmful to your hair. Maybe you are just one step away from having a wonderful hair.

If you noticing any changes with your hair, or something unusual, and you didn’t change your daily routine, or anything else, you should do a laboratory testing of blood. Dry hair, hair loss, could be the sign of thyroid disease, lack of hemoglobin, or any hormonal disbalance in your system. Listen to your hair and body. Sometimes your hair has a message for you, that you shouldn’t ignore.

The most important is to make your hair healthy. In general, health is the most crucial thing in our lives. Eat healthily, drink a lot of water daily, be on fresh air, play sport, try to surround yourself with the positive energy! And love your hair! Wonderful hair will give you more self-confidence for sure.

P.S. Feel free to share your experience related to the topic, we’d love to hear it!


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