Hair care

How to use leave in conditioner?


Leave-in conditioner is our secret weapon. They cost no time, but they provide great results. A perfect combination.

I am gonna admit it, no matter how much I love my hair care routine, sometimes I just don’t have time for the whole process:
Apply the mask, wait 10-15 minutes, rinse well, after that comes combing and conditioner, rinse that one as well. Sometimes, I can’t afford this amount of time for my hair, unfortunately. Sometimes, I am just lazy, to be honest.

We heard too many times this type of confession. Sometimes, you don’t have time or nerves for hair care routine. Which is fine. Your hair will survive that. But, with a leave-in conditioner, your hair won’t suffer, and you will save some time. Leave-in conditioner is our savior!

girl with the beautiful hair

We deeply want to share our experience with you. Don’t you ever have a “bad hair day” again! With the right product for your hair type, you can transform your hair. You don’t even know, how much your hair is beautiful, actually.

You just need to find the right recipe, the best mixture of products, that suit your needs. “Feed” your hair with vitamins, proteins, or lipids, depends on your hair’s needs. We gonna share some tips with you in this article, to maintain your hair healthy and beautiful.

You can find everything you need in a leave-in product. You should use a hair mask regularly, but sometimes you can easily skip it. When you use a leave-in conditioner, your hair won’t feel the difference. Actually, you can use a leave-in product instead of a mask.

Besides the excellent hair care, a leave-in conditioner offers help with your style. Protects your hair against the heat as well, UV, humidity, stops frizz, adds shine, etc…

girl with the red lipstick

The first difference is in the texture of the product. The leave-in conditioner comes in a form of spray and creme.

Sprays are more light than cremes. Which means that if you have fine hair, a spray is perfect for you. Especially if your hair easily gets greasy. The spray is not heavy for your hair, and you should choose the one for adding volume.

Cremes are stronger, they can hydrate your hair deeply. If you have thick hair, pick the one that smooths down and controls your hair. You gonna be surprised with results.

If you have a lack of protein, there is also leave-in conditioner enriched with proteins and lipids for a quick recovery. They come in cremes and sprays, both.

girl with the bun, pointing a finger

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