Hair care

Is my hair dry or damaged?

Dry hair vs damaged hair? Two different worlds

Let’s get this subject clear for everybody, forever.

One of the most common mistakes is not making a difference between dry and damaged hair. Many women make this basic mistake, and they are never satisfied with their hair.

If your hair is over-processed, if you have highlights, or you did some chemical treatments, that means you’ve lost a lot of protein from your hair strand. Every external damage, cause exactly this – Losing the protein.

In a lack of protein your hair looks like this:

  • Combing is harder than usually
  • When you comb, your hair is breaking
  • Seems like your hair strand is thinner than before
  • You have split ends
  • Your hair feels weak and lifeless
  • Your hair is breaking and falling out

You can do one simple, 3 seconds test to be sure. Take one hair strand and wet it with water, then gently stretch it. If it stretches more than it should and breaks, you definitely need protein. If it doesn’t stretch much, you need moisture.

However, the most important thing is to observe your hair. Knowing your hair type is a crucial thing for proper hair care.


If you do have a lack of protein, and you are using a hair mask for hydration (for example) your hair will be even more lifeless and dull.

In a lack of protein, your hair is breaking, it’s not dry. And you are using a mask for dry hair issue, that will make your hair softer, and easier to break! Yes, you can make the situation even worse by using the wrong product.

If you notice the lack of protein, don’t worry, you will recover your hair faster than you think. With the right solution, of course.

Here is what you have to do:

  • Use a hair mask every time you shampoo your hair. Leave it on for 5-15 minutes, and then rinse it thoroughly. Proteins penetrate deeper, in a higher temperature, so place a towel on your hair, while the mask is on. Or, you can add some extra heat with your blow dryer. The choice is all yours!
  •  Use heat protector for every blow-drying or ironing. Chose the protector enriched with proteins, for the best results.
  •  Deep treatments are a life savior. Think about it as an injection for your hair. You can do the deep treatment in a professional hair salon, or you can do it at home. It is good to visit your hairdresser for the best results, but if you don’t have time, you can do it at home. Once or twice in a month. We will show you further in an article, how to do it.
  • Cut your hair on a regular base. And as the most important thing, don’t leave dead ends on your hair. You have to get rid of this, otherwise, you will have a terrible problem very soon. Think about dead ends as an ‘epidemy’ that spreads everywhere very fast. Cut your dead ends, your hair will grow in a healthy, good way. Don’t nostalgic for them, this is the way to save and recover your hair.
  • Don’t do the highlights or any chemical treatment, your hair needs to take the rest, to recover. Any new coloration is new stress for your hair and causes more breakage, faster than ever.

If you do exactly as we said, if you follow those 5 rules, you will have a healthy, good-looking hair, we promise you that! This is the fastest recipe, that works surely.

Girl with long hair on the beach

Why is my hair so dry?

Your hair could be without any coloration or chemical treatment, completely natural, but still very dry.

Dry hair is as dry skin – Can be your natural condition, not a consequence. 90% of women have dry hair.

Be careful, if you have a thin hair, don’t hydrate a lot, in that case, you can use one week the protein mask and the next week hydration mask. Thin and fine hair will look and feel greasy if you over-hydrate it.

Thick hair requires a lot of hydration. Thick hair is always hungry. Make sure, you are using a mask that deeply hydrates your hair. Leave in product & natural oil, and your hair is gonna be wonderful.

Curly hair is naturally more dry than straight hair. For healthy curls, you have to moisturize your hair daily. Use a hydrating mask once a week. Leave in the product is a mandatory thing for your hair type, following the hair serum and oil.

Deep hydrating treatment is an injection for every type of dry hair. In an ideal case, you should do the treatment every 4-8 weeks.

More thick hair means more dry hair. This is as a rule.

You will have damaged, dehydrated hair if you exposed your hair to the sun, without protection. Ironing, curling, blow-drying too often, coloration, teasing, aggressive combing, etc.

All these external factors are harmful, minimize this type of stress for your hair. Take proper hair care, choosing the right product for your hair type.

Ask our hairdressers online, for any additional information. We are happy to help you!


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